Saturday, March 7, 2009

Viola Septemloba

Viola Septemloba, originally uploaded by Paul-G.

Violet with five lobes -- this tiny Florida wildflower (about the size of a pinky-finger nail), decided it was time to show its face in the natural section of our backyard gardens. With the temperature warming to near 80 f today, it would seem that spring is at last , on the way.

I know that I get no sympathy from my friends to the north -- but even here in north Florida, we have had 28 freezes this winter. Enough to do severe damage to the tenderest of our plants, many of which are likely gone for good. Those will be replaced with hardier natives as we continue to endeavor to plant our little square of the planet with only geographical native plants, that should be able to endure even the colder than normal winters here.

So here's to spring -- won't be long, now....

1 comment:

I am a lover of children's literature said...

Ah, beauty by simplicity - I love it!